Hush Foundation
Kindness in Health Writing Prize
In memory of doctor and author Kath O’Connor

The kindness in health writing prize is sponsored by Goldfields Medical Group (Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia) in memory of their late colleague Dr Kath O’Connor, a general practitioner and writer whose first novel, Inheritance, was finalised by her partner, family and writing mentor, Inga Simpson, following Kath’s death from ovarian cancer in 2019, and published by Affirm Press in 2023. More about Kath’s story.

Photo: Dr Kath O’Connor, supplied by Affirm Press

Writing Prize Entry Details
The Hush Foundation invites pieces of up to 1,000 words based on the theme: "kindness in healthcare.”
Entries can be fiction, non-fiction or poetry.
The winning entry will receive a cash prize of $650, with the second prize being $350.
A selection of the best entries will be published in the Hush Foundation’s Kindness Anthology #2 and shared with healthcare audiences around the world. See our first edition Gathering of Kindness Anthology. Entries will be assessed based on literary merit and connection to the Hush Foundation’s mission of transforming healthcare cultures with kindness, through the arts.
Entries will be judged by Ruby Ashby-Orr Commissioning Editor Affirm Press, Australian author Inga Simpson, and Author-GP-writing mentor

Judge, author, GP and writing mentor Dr Hilton Koppe has generously donated an online writing workshop to which the top 10 short-listed writers will be invited.
Ruby Ashby-Orr, Commissioning Editor, Affirm Press. affirmpress.com.au
Dr Hilton Koppe, Doctor, author and teacher, who combines medical practice with teaching creative writing program.
Inga Simpson, Australian novelist and nature writer and Kath's writing mentor who supported her book to completion and publication.
Prize Details
The prize winner will receive: $650 courtesy of Goldfields Medical Group.
The runner up will receive: $350 courtesy of Goldfields Medical Group.
Winner and runner up will receive a complimentary ticket to the Gathering of Kindness in Melbourne, OR Gathering of Kindness online in October / November 2024 (date and details TBC).
Short-listed applicants will be notified and they, the runner up and winning entrant’s work will be published in the Gathering of Kindness Anthology # 2 and announced at the Gathering of Kindness events (in person and online) in November 2024.
The prize winner and runner up will be named and excerpts of their work profiled on social media and other news platforms by the Hush Foundation.
Short-listed writers will be invited to participate in an online writing workshop with judge, author and GP Dr Hilton Koppe.
Please see Competition Guidelines and Conditions of Entry below.
For more information or media enquiries please email: i[email protected]